Casmerodius albus

(redirected from Great Egret)
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ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.Casmerodius albus - widely distributed Old World white egretCasmerodius albus - widely distributed Old World white egret
egret - any of various usually white herons having long plumes during breeding season
Egretta, genus Egretta - small Old and New World herons
Casmerodius, genus Casmerodius - a white egrets
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References in periodicals archive ?
Other bird species found there are the rufous night heron, black-naped oriole, osprey, whiskered terns, black-winged stilts, little egret, intermediate egret and great egret.
Her list also lacked sandhill crane, great egret and Cooper's hawk.
The January census showed 14 migratory species, including the little egret, intermediate egret, great egret, gray heron, common teal, northern shoveler, tufted duck, common kingfisher, common sandpiper, wood sandpiper, northern pintail, garganey, whiskered tern and the eagle-like eastern marsh harrier.
The other day, on Crescent Avenue, I experienced a metaphorical moment that, at first, seemed to say it all about changing Oregon: a great egret resting in a field of green.
The first of those was the great egret (which eventually became the "official symbol" of the National Audubon Society).
I saw an osprey, a great egret, several red-winged blackbirds, but no woodpeckers.
| Other recent sightings include a Great Egret and Spoonbill at RSPB Cors Ddyga, and two more Spoonbills over Rhuddlan.
A great egret has also been seen on the merse, much larger than the many little egrets that are now becoming quite common on the Solway.
It is a great egret, taken early morning, the sky was overcast hence the soft light.
Greylag goose, common tern, several species of waders such as the great egret and the night heron have also returned, testifying to the islands' success.
The wildlife species of Pakistan whose pictures are on display included the country's national animal markhor, brown bear, black francolin (kala teetar), a flock of geese, lesser crested tern, kingfisher, great egret, green turtles, mallard and teal.
The newly released 2016 Birds in Northumbria report covering Newcastle, North Tyneside and Northumberland plots the advance of species such as the little egret and the great egret white herons.

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